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Pictures of cats. Cats in hats. Cats looking grumpy/ evil/ annoyed. Preferably in hats. It’s what the internet was made for right? Just a quick rambling, and slightly seasonal blog update this week to say Merry Christmas. There is a slight photographic slant of interest too with this post though. These snaps of our  brilliant moggies were some of the first photos I ever captured on my very first digital camera, which quite terrifyingly was back in the Christmas of 2003.
The camera in question was a Nikon Coolpix 3500, which was a 3 megapixel powerhouse (for the time) and had a bizarre inner swivel lens.

Here she is:

Nikon coolpix 3500

I’ve still got this camera, and have been Nikon all the way ever since.

Merry Christmas.




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