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DanD Video screenshot

DanD photography+ Video:  The clue is in the title.  In addition to my commercial photography (stills), I  now shoot and edit video for clients.
Embracing the moving image as part of your business is  a natural progression these days for many photographers. For the last couple of  years this transition has been a big part of my time. The principles of the moving image are very similar to the rules of still photography, but there are many many subtle differences. The learning curve, particularly on sound and the editing side of things is a steep one.

So far I’ve built up a small portfolio of video work, and I’m about to go full assault offering clients corporate and commercial web-focused video packages, with creative editing and motion graphics.

The first small step was to get a half decent section of my current website together specifically dedicated to video, and then start telling people about it. I believe this is called marketing, or something…

Anyway, here’s my new video portfolio page for now, enjoy:

Flash version  |   html version



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